Uptop Bistro & Bar which is on top floor (19/F) of the Popway Hotel, provides stunning views of the Victoria Harbour. Right above Uptop Bistro is the Hotel’s Sky Deck, an outdoor space that is available for private hire. It has the gorgeous Victoria Harbour view from its 270-degree terrace which becomes a nature backdrop for parties.
Uptop Bistro and Bar 位於珀薈酒店19樓,餐廳命名為「Uptop Bistro」,包含了喜悅及天際美景兩種意義,適合舉行各種派對。位於酒店頂層天台的Sky Deck,為露天私人派對場地。全露天設計將尖沙咀維港景色盡收眼簾,美景配上浪漫氣氛成為派對或婚禮場地的最佳選擇。

- 餐廳最多可容納30人
- 戶外場地最多可容納45人